LandScan Locating Ltd. was created to provide utility line locating services to anyone proposing to conduct ground disturbance.

The Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code states that ground is disturbed if a work operation or activity on or under the existing surface results in a disturbance or displacement of the soil, but not if the disturbance or displacement is a result only of:
- Routine, minor road maintenance or
- Cultivation to a depth of less than 450mm below the ground surface over a pipeline or
- Hand digging to a depth of not more than 300mm below the ground surface, so long as it does not permanently remove cover over a buried facility.

Activities that disturb the ground include:
• excavation • digging • grading or contouring
• ditch shaping • topsoil stripping • vertical drilling
• horizontal directional drilling • land leveling • mechanical rock picking
• tree planting • plowing pipe or cable • trenching
• blasting • subsoil aeration or stabilization • tunneling boring or pipe pushing
• driving fence posts • cutting fire breaks • driving ground rods
• driving anchors, rods or pins • hydrovacing • auguring or screw piling


Private (Secondary) Locating Services - Alberta One Call is a free service provided by the utility owner to locate their infrastructure or buried facilities up to the meter. Many organizations or private landowners have secondary services past the meter that need to be located before the works starts. LandScan Locating Ltd. offers the best rates in Southern Alberta to help you locate your privately owned facilities.

Work Area Sweeps - Many organizations have policies that require 30metre or more clearances for ground disturbance work areas. LandScan Locating Ltd. follows industry recommended practices and has the appropriate equipment to clear work areas by inductive and passive sweeping.

One Call Screening and Management - Do you need help creating a One Call? Do not have time to screen your One Call registered infrastructure? We can help you, give us a call to find out how.

Ground Disturbance/Crossing Inspections - By following the appropriate industry acts and codes as well as your company's practices, policies, and guidelines LandScan can ensure your facilities remain protected by any 3rd party crossing or disturbance that may be required.

Locating for large scale 3D projects - If you plan on performing ground disturbance over a significant area and need to have all underground utilities located and marked to avoid damage, we can help. Please give us a call for a quote.

Southern Alberta's Trusted Utility Line Locator

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you insured?

We are incorporated in Alberta, licensed, and insured above minimum industry requirements.

What is 'ground disturbance'?

The Alberta Pipeline Act defines a ground disturbance as any work, operation or activity that results in a disturbance of the earth except:
- Cultivation less than 450mm in depth or
- A disturbance of the earth lees than 300mm in depth provided it does not reduce the earth cover over a buried pipeline to a height less than that provided when the pipeline was installed.

Are agriculture activities different?

Agricultural activities such as subsoil aeration and mechanical rock picking are considered ground disturbances if they disturb the earth to a depth of 450mm or more.

Industry Affiliations & Resources

Alberta One Call
Alberta Common Ground Alliance
Alberta Construction Safety Association
Canadian Association of Pipline and Utility Locating Contractors
Lethbridge Construction Association